Gameplay Ability Definitions

Data Driven way of specifying common parent Gameplay Ability classes that are accessible through File menu

Gameplay Ability Definitions #

The configuration section "GAS Companion - Gameplay Abilities" provides a data driven way of specifying common parent Gameplay Ability classes that are accessible through File menu. By default, only the Melee ability coming with the plugin is defined: Melee Ability

You can even create your own definition, this results in a quick way to create new abilities based on the appropriate class from the context menu

Create your own Definitions #

The best part is that this system allows you to add your own Gameplay Ability Definitions. Or even edit / remove the default ones.

Property Description
Menu Path Where to show this in the menu. Use "" for sub categories. E.g, "Ability
Base Name The default BaseName of the new asset. E.g "Damage" -> GA_Damage
Parent Gameplay Ability The Parent GameplayAbility class to use when creating new abilities for this definition

The above example definition will add a new category to the context menu, like so: