Rework repository to include GASCompanion (main plugin) and GASCompanionTests #
Structural change to the repo structure:
- Main plugin distrubuted on the marketplaceGASCompanionTests/
- Plugin that holds unit / functional tests for GASCompanionScripts/
- Helper node or bash scripts to help in development
Config -> GASCompanion/Config
Content-> GASCompanion/Content
Resources-> GASCompanion/Resources
Source ->GASCompanion/Source
Templates ->GASCompanion/Templates
GASCompanion.uplugin -> GASCompanion/GASCompanion.uplugin
This is so that this repository can manage multiple plugins from within a single repository. GASCompanion/
is the main plugin distributed on the marketplace, others are supporting plugin not part of main GASCompanion plugin (such as the Tests plugin, which would include any functional or unit tests that needs fixtures .uasset)