GSCNativeAnimInstance #

Anim instance implementing IGSCNativeAnimInstanceInterface to allow Gameplay Tag Blueprint Property Mapping.

The interface has only one overridable method InitializeWithAbilitySystem() that must be implemented in subclasses.

GSCAbilitySystemComponent will call this method via an interface call when InitAbilityActorInfo happens.

The same pattern is used in both Lyra and the Ancient Demo, only difference here is that we rely on an interface to be able to operate better with other plugins / assets.

Properties #

GameplayTagPropertyMap #

Type FGameplayTagBlueprintPropertyMap

Gameplay Tag Property Map:
Gameplay tags that can be mapped to blueprint variables. The variables will automatically update as the tags are added or removed.

These should be used instead of manually querying for the gameplay tags.

Generated on Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:19:57 GMT