GSCGameplayAbility #

GameplayAbility Parent class that is recommended to use with GAS Companion.

Added functionality compared to regular UGameplayAbility includes:

  • GameplayEffect containers:
  • Ability Queue System support: If you intend to use Ability Queueing, you should rely on this class for your Abilities
  • Loosely Check for Cost: If you'd like your abilities to activate regardless of cost attribute going into negative values,
    and only checking if cost attribute is not below or equal to 0 already.
  • End delegate: A blueprint assignable delegate is exposed which is triggered on ability end. Particularly useful for AI Behavior Tree tasks.
  • Activate On Granted: Support for "Passive" abilities, an ability that automatically activates and run continuously (eg. not calling EndAbility).

Properties #

bLooselyCheckAbilityCost #

Type bool

Loosely Check Ability Cost:
if true, the ability can be activated even it the cost is going into negative values, preventing activation only if cost is below or equal to 0 already

bActivateOnGranted #

Type bool

Activate on Granted:
If true, the ability will be automatically activated as soon as it is granted.

You can either implement one-off Abilities that are meant to be activated right away when granted,
or "Passive Abilities" with this, an ability that automatically activates and run continuously (eg. not calling EndAbility)

In both case, GameplayAbilities configured to be activated on granted will only activate on server and typically have
a Net Execution Policy of Server Only.

bEnableAbilityQueue #

Type bool

Enable Ability Queue:
Enable other abilities to be queued and activated when this ability ends.

It is recommended to leave this variable to false, and instead use the AbilityQueueNotifyState (AbilityQueueWindow)
within montages to further tune when the Queue System is opened and closed.

EffectContainerMap #

Type Map of FGameplayTag to FGSCGameplayEffectContainer

Effect Container Map:
Map of gameplay tags to gameplay effect containers

Events #

OnAbilityEnded #

Called when the ability ends.

On Ability Ended

Functions #

MakeEffectContainerSpecFromContainer #

Make gameplay effect container spec to be applied later, using the passed in container

Make Effect Container Spec from Container


Name Type Description
Container FGSCGameplayEffectContainer
EventData FGameplayEventData
OverrideGameplayLevel int32

Returns FGSCGameplayEffectContainerSpec

MakeEffectContainerSpec #

Search for and make a gameplay effect container spec to be applied later, from the EffectContainerMap

Make Effect Container Spec


Name Type Description
ContainerTag FGameplayTag
EventData FGameplayEventData
OverrideGameplayLevel int32

Returns FGSCGameplayEffectContainerSpec

ApplyEffectContainerSpec #

Applies a gameplay effect container spec that was previously created

Apply Effect Container Spec


Name Type Description
ContainerSpec FGSCGameplayEffectContainerSpec

Returns Array of FActiveGameplayEffectHandle

ApplyEffectContainer #

Applies a gameplay effect container, by creating and then applying the spec

Apply Effect Container


Name Type Description
ContainerTag FGameplayTag
EventData FGameplayEventData
OverrideGameplayLevel int32

Returns Array of FActiveGameplayEffectHandle

Generated on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:16:37 GMT