GSCBlueprintFunctionLibrary #
Ability specific blueprint library
Most games will need to implement one or more blueprint function libraries to expose their native code to blueprints
Functions #
RemoveLooseGameplayTagsFromActor #
Tries to find an ability system component on the actor, using AbilitySystemInterface, and
remove loose GameplayTags which are not backed by a GameplayEffect.
Tags added this way are not replicated!
It is up to the calling GameCode to make sure these tags are added on clients/server where necessary
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayTags | FGameplayTagContainer |
Returns bool
RemoveGameplayCue #
Removes a persistent gameplay cue from the actor's ability system component
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayCueTag | FGameplayTag |
RemoveAllGameplayCues #
Removes any GameplayCue added on its own, i.e. not as part of a GameplayEffect.
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* |
HasMatchingGameplayTag #
Returns true if the passed in Actor's AbilitySystemComponent has a gameplay tag that matches against the specified tag (expands to include parents of asset tags)
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayTag | FGameplayTag |
Returns bool
HasAnyMatchingGameplayTag #
Returns true if the passed in Actor's AbilitySystemComponent has any of the matching tags (expands to include parents of asset tags)
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayTags | FGameplayTagContainer |
Returns bool
GetDebugStringFromAttribute #
Returns the Attribute name
Name | Type | Description |
Attribute | FGameplayAttribute |
Returns FString
GetCompanionCoreComponent #
Tries to find a companion core component on the actor
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* |
Returns UGSCCoreComponent*
GetComboManagerComponent #
Tries to find a combo manager component on the actor
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* |
Returns UGSCComboManagerComponent*
GetAllAttributes #
Returns all defined Gameplay Attributes for the provided AttributeSet class
Name | Type | Description |
AttributeSetClass | TSubclassOf |
OutAttributes | Array of FGameplayAttribute |
GetAbilityQueueComponent #
Tries to find an ability queue core component on the actor
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* |
Returns UGSCAbilityQueueComponent*
GetAbilityInputBindingComponent #
Tries to find an ability input binding component on the actor
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* |
Returns UGSCAbilityInputBindingComponent*
ExecuteGameplayCueWithParams #
Invoke a gameplay cue on the actor's ability system component, with extra parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayCueTag | FGameplayTag | |
GameplayCueParameters | FGameplayCueParameters |
ExecuteGameplayCueForActor #
Invoke a gameplay cue on the actor's ability system component
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayCueTag | FGameplayTag | |
Context | FGameplayEffectContextHandle |
AddLooseGameplayTagsToActor #
Tries to find an ability system component on the actor, using AbilitySystemInterface, and
add loose GameplayTags which are not backed by a GameplayEffect.
Tags added this way are not replicated!
It is up to the calling GameCode to make sure these tags are added on clients/server where necessary
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayTags | FGameplayTagContainer |
Returns bool
AddGameplayCueWithParams #
Adds a persistent gameplay cue to the actor's ability system component. Optionally will remove if ability ends
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayCueTag | FGameplayTag | |
GameplayCueParameter | FGameplayCueParameters |
AddGameplayCue #
Adds a persistent gameplay cue to the actor's ability system component. Optionally will remove if ability ends
Name | Type | Description |
Actor | AActor* | |
GameplayCueTag | FGameplayTag | |
Context | FGameplayEffectContextHandle |
Generated on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:27:31 GMT