GSCAbilitySystemComponent #
Revamped Ability System Component for 3.0.0
This one is meant to be attached in Blueprint (or via a GameFeature), although 4.27 still requires ASC and IAbilitySystemInterface to be implemented in cpp.
Properties #
GrantedAbilities #
Type Array of FGSCAbilityInputMapping
Granted Abilities:
List of Gameplay Abilities to grant when the Ability System Component is initialized
GrantedAttributes #
Type Array of FGSCAttributeSetDefinition
Granted Attributes:
List of Attribute Sets to grant when the Ability System Component is initialized, with optional initialization data
GrantedEffects #
Type Array of UGameplayEffect
Granted Effects:
List of GameplayEffects to apply when the Ability System Component is initialized (typically on begin play)
bResetAbilitiesOnSpawn #
Type bool
Reset Abilities on Spawn:
Specifically set abilities to persist across deaths / respawns or possessions (Default is true)
When this is set to false, abilities will only be granted the first time InitAbilityActor is called. This is the default
behavior for ASC living on Player States (GSCModularPlayerState specifically).
Do not set it true for ASC living on Player States if you're using ability input binding. Only ASC living on Pawns supports this.
bResetAttributesOnSpawn #
Type bool
Reset Attributes on Spawn:
Specifically set attributes to persist across deaths / respawns or possessions (Default is true)
When this is set to false, attributes are only granted the first time InitAbilityActor is called. This is the default
behavior for ASC living on Player States (GSCModularPlayerState specifically).
Set it (or leave it) to true if you want attribute values to be re-initialized to their default values.
Functions #
GrantAbility #
Name | Type | Description |
Ability | TSubclassOf |
bRemoveAfterActivation | bool |
Returns FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle
Generated on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:27:31 GMT