GSCAttributeSet #
Contains basic Attributes used in most games, Health, Stamina, Mana.
Characters taking damage or using Mana or Stamina as a resource will use this AttributeSet.
Health - How much current health the Character has
MaxHealth - Maximum amount of Health for the Character
HealthRegenRate - Backing attribute to determine the amount of health regenerated per Gameplay Effect period
Stamina - Mainly used as a resource for Abilities
MaxStamina - Maximum amount of Stamina for the Character
StaminaRegenRate - Backing attribute to get the amount of stamina regenerated when used by a Gameplay Effect
Mana - Mainly used as a resource for Abilities
MaxMana - Maximum amount of Mana for the Character
ManaRegenRate - Backing attribute for mana regeneration
Damage - Meta attribute used by DamageExecution or Gameplay Effect to calculate final damage, which then turns into -Health
StaminaDamage - Meta attribute used by DamageExecution or Gameplay Effect to calculate final damage, which then turns into -Stamina
Properties #
Health #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Current Health, when 0 we expect owner to die unless prevented by an ability. Capped by MaxHealth.
Positive changes can directly use this.
Negative changes to Health should go through Damage meta attribute.
MaxHealth #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Max Health:
MaxHealth is its own attribute since GameplayEffects may modify it
HealthRegenRate #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Health Regen Rate:
Health regen rate will passively increase Health every period
Stamina #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Current stamina, used to execute abilities. Capped by MaxStamina.
MaxStamina #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Max Stamina:
MaxStamina is its own attribute since GameplayEffects may modify it
StaminaRegenRate #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Stamina Regen Rate:
Stamina regen rate will passively increase Stamina every period
Mana #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Current Mana, used to execute special abilities. Capped by MaxMana.
MaxMana #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Max Mana:
MaxMana is its own attribute since GameplayEffects may modify it
ManaRegenRate #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Mana Regen Rate:
Mana regen rate will passively increase Mana every period
Damage #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Damage is a meta attribute used by the DamageExecution to calculate final damage, which then turns into -Health
Temporary value that only exists on the Server. Not replicated.
StaminaDamage #
Type FGameplayAttributeData
Stamina Damage:
StaminaDamage is a meta attribute used by the DamageExecution to calculate final damage, which then turns into -Stamina
Temporary value that only exists on the Server. Not replicated.
Generated on Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:27:31 GMT